The Arab 'Fall' (Just Another Cog in the Globalists' Political Machine)

So we now have the Arab Fall (aka Arab Spring). It has all the underpinnings of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis: this was manufactured by the globalists who wanted the New World Order to emerge [1]. First it's economic unrest, now it is social unrest (terrorism, religious wars, etc.). However, the world is playing into Satan's hands and the world’s citizens do not realize it. 

I believe the current Arab Fall (fueled by the so-called blasphemous video on Mohammad that resulted in the U.S. Ambassador to Libya being killed) is a conspiracy of the U.S. government, the CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood, all doing the bidding of the globalists, to create Muslim unrest. And where do I get off making an audacious claim such as this? Well, the audacity of my claim is attributed to reports from Libyan officials that three days prior to the siege of the U.S. embassy in Libya, White House officials had been informed of possible unrest in Benghazi. (The reports are in the public domain. Just do a Google search.) But Washington had chosen to do nothing about this information. Could it be because Washington was in cahoots with the Muslim Brotherhood to cause instability in the streets of Benghazi in order to bring about the New World Order under Antichrist (or Mahdi, in the case of the Muslims)?

Some are now claiming that the video was created by either an American Israeli or a Christian Coptic. How very convenient. See how such things foment further anti-Semitic and anti-Christian sentiments? No surprises for me there – Scripture foretold a long time ago that in the last days, anti-Christian and anti-Semitic sentiments will be on the rise, leading to persecution of Christians all over the world, in which those who follow their own lusts and evil ways will mock those of us who hold to Christian morals and values (2 Peter 3:3), and culminating in the world’s nations being arrayed against Israel in a global war called the Gog-Magog War (see the books of Psalm 83, Isaiah, Zechariah and Revelation). 

Before this war will take place, however, there will be plans by the Islamic radicals to destroy Israel. The Muslim Brotherhood will be pivotal for organizing a global jihad to annihilate this tiny Jewish nation that is surrounded by hostile enemies. The Muslim Brotherhood is an organization of Islamic radicals whose political machine is behind the Intifada insurrections by the PLO, and the terrorist cells of Hezbollah in Lebanon, Taliban and Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and Hamas in Gaza. If you will recall, the Muslim Brotherhood is responsible for instigating the unknowing populaces of the Middle East to rise up against their ruling governments in the Arab Spring last year, governments that used to have a diplomatic understanding with Israel; the radicals under the aegis of the Muslim Brotherhood want to form an Islamic caliphate that will destroy Israel before seizing Jerusalem and Islamizing the world to put the world’s citizenry under the subjugation of Shariah and the Islamic Mahdi. 

The Mahdi is the Muslim ‘messiah’ (many Christians also believe he is no other than the Antichrist prophesied in Scripture) [2]. Adherents of Islam believe that the present age will close and a new one dawn with the coming of their Mahdi who will convert or kill all unbelievers and subjugate the world under Allah (the name of the god of Islam, which means the Moon God), accompanied by the Muslim version of Jesus. They will destroy all infidels who get in the way of their agenda: Israel first (and all Jewry), then Christians next.

The Mahdi is already here, waiting to be unveiled to the world, waiting to be informed by his keeper (Iranian President Ahmedinejad?) that his time has come. This is probably why President Ahmedinejad keeps calling for the annihilation of Israel. What Ahmedinejad has said is an echo of prophecy:
"They have said, 'Come, and let us wipe them out as a nation, that the name of Israel be remembered no more'" (Psalm 83:4). 

When the Jews are destroyed along with Israel, and all infidels from all other parts of the world, then the Mahdi can rule without opposition.

Do not be deceived: Islam is not a religion of peace. History attests to the promulgation of Islam by the sword. All dissidents who resist Islam and Shariah will die by the sword. Muslims and Arabs do not want peace. They want to destroy the nation of Israel and rid the world of the Jewish problem. What Jewish problem? Can this tiny sliver of land of 8,000 sq. miles, which can fit into the state of Florida eight times, be a threat to its neighbours or anyone else? Or can it be that its enemies want its resources of natural gas and oil? Allow me to offer one other plausible explanation: Israel belongs to the Lord God our Creator; and Satan, God’s greatest foe, is seething mad about it. 

What’s more, the religion of Islam is a religion of Satan. Just as all the false religions of the world that have their roots in the harlot religion of Babylon – including Hinduism, Buddhism, New Age and pagan spirituality – are religions of Satan. 

No wonder, then, that helping and abetting the Muslim radicals behind the scenes are none other than the White House, the CIA, and all the environmentalists and other globalists who have a vested interest in demolishing the strongholds of dictators such as Egypt’s President Mubarak, Libya’s Colonel Gaddafi and now Syria’s President Assad. This is because the true mastermind behind the agenda of the Muslim Brotherhood and the globalists, who want a New World Order, is Satan himself. The rest are all merely puppets of Satan, knowingly or unknowingly having their strings pulled by the Devil.

From 'Cartoon Movement'

Satan has aspired to world worship since before the fall of Adam and Eve into sin. That was the reason for Satan’s fall from grace: his aspiration to be greater than God and his desire to rule and be worshipped over God (Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28). In addition, Satan is aware of prophecy, too. He is aware of the rise of Antichrist as the political ruler of the world in the last days (Revelation 13). And Satan knows that his last opportunity for world worship is through this worldwide reign of Antichrist. However, Satan knows his time is short and he wants to usher in the time of the Antichrist's reign quickly. Empowered by Satan, Antichrist will emerge from the E.U. promising to bring peace and prosperity to an embattled world. Antichrist is also the global potentate all the globalists are awaiting to gather the world together under his single rule. 

It is likely that the Antichrist of Scripture is the same Mahdi of the Muslims. Of course, no one truly believes that Antichrist will be a Muslim (though the Mahdi will pretend to be that). Scripture itself says that Antichrist “will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all” (Daniel 11:37). However, he will emerge on the world stage to offer his brand of world peace to those suffering from the effects of war, strife and poverty. 

We are living in the days that are rife for the appearance of the Antichrist of Scripture or the Mahdi of both the Sunni and Shi’a Muslims. We are living in the times of the convergence of world events that appears to point towards the emergence of this one charismatic leader who will lead the world out of its wars, economic poverty and religious and cultural strife [3].


The Arab Fall is simply another cog in the conspirators’ (comprising the globalists and the Muslim Brotherhood) political machine to bring about the New World Order through social and economic unrests. The making of the anti-Mohammad video is a catalyst for stirring up such unrest; no doubt the video could have been made by the conspirators themselves. 

There are unseen forces around us, all at work to manipulate world conditions such as unrests to bring about the New World Order under Antichrist. These unseen forces are in the spiritual realm, the inter-dimensional realm of evil angels, led by Satan, who is playing a central role in the current global financial meltdown. He is the chess master and the co-conspirators (the globalists who want a New World Order under a global potentate and the Islamic radicals who want to usher in the rule of their Mahdi) are his chess pieces. Just as Satan capitalizes on an individual’s problem, so he is doing with the world’s needs, turning them into crises so that the nations can yield to his designs. A giant leap forward in satanic world control is being successfully orchestrated. 

Are you still asleep and unaware of what truly is taking place, and why it is taking place, around the world? 

The good news is that Scripture prophesies that Antichrist, Satan and all the nations that come up against Israel in war will be defeated by the Lord Jesus Christ. (Read Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Zechariah and Revelation.) 

This is the Arab Fall indeed; yes, the Arabs will fall. As will all the enemies of the Lord Jesus Christ.

[1] The globalists are comprised of select world political rulers, economic leaders, educationists, environmentalists, religious councils, media moguls and officials of legislature and judiciary. The globalists believe that a new world order, a One-world Order using a single One-World currency ruled by a single ruler is the only answer to the so-called Jewish problem and to all the world’s economic and social problems. Many globalists are members of the Illuminati, the Club of Rome and the Freemasons such as, but not limited to, the American CIA, IMF, CFR, Hollywood, and the mother of all globalists, the UN.  

[2] Ayatullah Baqir al-Sadr and Ayatullah Muratda Mutahhari, The Awaited Savior, (Karachi, Islamic Seminary Publications).

[3] Current world events that are converging to pave the way for the rise of Antichrist as humanity’s savior include the collapse of world financial systems and decline of civil liberties with the rise of socialism and globalism; ecumenicalism; apostasy in the church; increase in false religions, false prophets and false Christs; exponential rise in anti-Israel and anti-Christian sentiments; rise in incidents of natural disasters (floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes); decline in privacy (surveillance in airports, streets, Internet, even homes and schools) leading to the adoption of the Mark of the Beast. Small wonder many Bible scholars believe these are the times of the signs.