This select inner circle of conspirators includes individuals in high places of government and congress, as well as finance; they are academics, influential leaders, rulers and revolutionaries. This group has formulated and developed plans for centuries, and these plans are their blueprints to take over the world, which have involved many people cooperating in what is truly a global conspiracy.
The brainchild of this conspiracy that has within its representation bankers, politicians, leaders and their subordinates, is described in Bible prophecies as the Mystery of Iniquity or Mystery of Lawlessness. Behind this Mystery is Satan and with his power, this conspiracy will reach its climactic realization by a man called the Man of Lawlessness or the Man of Sin. He is no other than the infamous Antichrist. The entire goal of this worldwide conspiracy to take over world dominion is the preparation for the reign of Antichrist who will be indwelt by Satan, the devil of old.
In 2 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8, we read:
“For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only He (the Holy Spirit) who now restrains will restrain, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked (Antichrist) be revealed.”
According to the apostle Paul, the apostle to the gentiles and church, the Mystery of Iniquity is already in the world, has been for centuries, since he wrote his letter to the Thessalonians. This Mystery is wielding its power over the world's systems and the establishment of various organisations in economy, religion and government. One such organisation is the Illuminati. Others are the Freemasons and the Rosicrucians (a.k.a. Ancient Order of the Temple of the Rosy Cross, akin to the Knights' Templar). All three organisations not surprisingly adopt the 'All-seeing Eye' as their avatar, the very one found on the back of every green note that is the American currency.
The Illuminati plays an active role in orchestrating a vast number of world events that are catastrophic and have led to the endemic of pain and suffering of ordinary citizens. For instance it played a role in the French Revolution and the Communist League. And because it is also behind the wealthy elite of the banking and financial realms it was responsible for the economic collapse of the 1930s and monetary crisis in the 70s.
Founded in 1776 by a Jesuit seminarian named Adam Weishaupt, the order of the Illuminati has antecedence in other secret societies such as the German Illuminists and the French Martinists or French Illumines. Members of the Illuminati are masters of intrigue and their real goals are being camouflaged by their use of front organisations to spread an array of satanic ideologies. The true goals of the Illuminati are summed up in the following:
1. Abolition of monarchy and all ordered government
2. Abolition of private property
3. Abolition of inheritance
4. Abolition of patriotism
5. Abolition of family, of marriage and all morality, and the institution of communal education of children
6. Abolition of religion. The worship of God by man is replaced by the worship of 'reason' or rationalism.
(See how the tenets contain echoes of Marxist Communist ideologies.)
The Illuminati is an ordered organisation consisting of eight layers of rings within other rings. At the centre of the order was Weishaupt himself, represented by the eye. Around him was a small circle of the most trusted initiates – the Magus and following this was another six progressive rings or layers of members called Illuminatus.
The Illuminati continues its secret designs of manipulating governments and world events today. Now it is even behind the modern and post-modern heresies of ecumenism, liberalism and neo-orthodoxy, and of the apostasy of the world's denominational, orthodox and evangelical churches.
(This was first posted in February 2009.)
All of us have a fascination with good conspiracy theories. Some have no factual basis, as is the case with The Da Vinci Code whose claims of a historical backdrop for its novel are deplorably duplicitous. Conspiracies involving Satan, however, are as old and real as the Devil himself.
In the first century A.D. Paul tells us that the Mystery of Iniquity is already at work:
The Mystery of Iniquity is Satan and his mystery was a secret plan of evil – a conspiracy, which albeit existing in the first century, nevertheless is linked to the present conspiracy that culminates in the last days when Antichrist will come into world domination. For more than 6000 years now, ever since the deception in Eden, Satan has been interfering in the affairs of the human race. His objective has not changed, nor been deterred by prophecy of his destruction in the hands of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. This objective is satanic worship by man through the forceful control and enslavement of the human race.
“For the mystery of iniquity does already work: only He (the Holy Spirit) who now restrains will restrain, until He be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked (Antichrist) be revealed” (2 Thessalonians 2: 7, 8).

The devil has conspired to rule the world since the days of Nimrod who built the Tower of Babel at Babylon. Nimrod, the nephilim who was indwelt by the spirit of Satan, went on to become one of the ancient civilisation's most despotic rulers and dictators, who founded the Babylonian religion and the mysteries of Babylon. Down through history that reverberates of the cult of the Pharaohs, the historical Caesars, the desert Caliphate, the eastern Rajas, the western Kings and their monarchies, and the oriental Emperors and their empires, tales are replete with plots and conspiracies to conquer and rule men and nations. Among these nations of conquerors, Nebuchadnezzar, Darius, Alexander, Julius Caesar, Mussolini, Stalin and Hitler, are some of the most prominent men who had demon-controlled abilities to succeed at their attempts at world conquest and rule. But not before they would leave a trail of destruction and human suffering.
Satan's influence in man's affairs and world governments dates back to Eden. Surely the devil was recorded in the Book of Genesis as the force behind the contaminating of the human race, except for Noah and seven members of his family, through the manipulating of the human genome. Occurring in the decades preceding the Flood, this contamination was the result of his fallen angels having had carnal knowledge with the daughters of men. A cataclysmic deluge was thus sent by God to wipe out the prevailing evil caused by this satanically-inspired angelic interbreeding between the fallen angels and daughters of men.
Whenever Satan interfered in the governments of man he attempted to turn mankind away from obedience to and worship of the true God, or destroy God's chosen people, the Israelites. Satan was behind the development of the Assyrian kingdom with its capital in Nineveh and the building of the tower of Babel, under Nimrod's decree, to reach to the heavens. This was the first example of man's aspiration to deity status. But God intervened by confusing the languages of men and scattering the peoples to the four corners of the earth, as had been His original instructions. Satan was behind the rise of the Babylonian kingdom under Nebuchadnezzar, with its idolatry and the ancient Babylonian religion from which all the harlot religions of the world today have their roots. Under the Babylonians Israel was to be taken captivity, and it was to Babylon which they were later deported from the Promised Land.
Satan was behind the Medo-Persian empire under the administration of Haman, who tried to trick Emperor Xerxes to exterminate the Jewish race. Satan masterminded the Spartan experiment, which ruled the Greek world with communistic principles and despotic rulers such as Alexander the Great; he was behind the Grecian empire which used philosophy and mythology to divert people from the knowledge of the true God; and he was behind the Roman empire, with its deification experiment in the form of Caesar, the emperor-god, which attempted to put man in God's rightful place of worship and veneration. It was the Roman Empire that later captured Jerusalem and held the city for 666 years. It was the Roman Caesars, in particular, Nero, that sought to destroy the early Christian church. And it was the Caesars who destroyed Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70. In modern history we see Satan's continued attempts to enslave mankind, kill Jews and usurp God, all for the desperate goal of worldwide worship. We see this in Stalin, whose purges took the lives of millions and whose communistic precept of atheism was used to destroy faith in the living God. In Hitler's heyday the Fuehrer-worship was established and the demonic Hitler wanted to rule the world. By the end of the World War, six million Jews had been exterminated. Down through history, whether knowingly or unknowingly, the world's rulers, the conspirators, the aristocrats of polity and economy, and the Illuminati, including all their plans and programmes, have been essentially used by Satan to deceive humanity, so that man might be enslaved in a future international demonic order that has Satan at the centre of worship.
Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Haman, Alexander, Caesar, Stalin, Hitler – all are a type or forerunner of the coming Man of Sin, the Antichrist. He will ascend to the world throne in the last days backed by Satan's power, for the Mystery of Iniquity is determined to succeed, at what appears to be its last gasp attempt at endowing on Satan world worship in their demonic International World Order under the Illuminati.
In the meantime this Man of Sin, who is the very reason for this conspiracy, will be carefully concealed. However, many believe he is very much alive today and is at the core of the conspiratorial circles we can see operating in the religious, political, and financial systems of the world.
(This was first posted in February, 2009. Portions of this article have been adapted for the novel, Bene Ha Elohim, Sons of God.)
Influence on the Ecumenical Movement

Forged in the crucible of western rationalism is a legion of liberal, neo-orthodoxy and even atheistic preachers, many of whom are the source of the erosion of Biblical virtues and morality that have their cornerstones in the Ten Commandments. In plain sight and with much derring-do, these leaders encourage immorality, practise fornication and promote a perverse Christianity consisting of anarchists and radicals. For instance, gnostic and made-made heresies and the humanistic ideologies of Jung and Freud are tolerated in the pulpits, variously taught in the seminaries, and eagerly studied in the cell groups. The unbelief of pew warmers and atheistic preachers that abound on the pulpits are accepted. Support for foreign guerrilla warfare, sexual promiscuity at home and inducting women and homosexual pastors in the oversight are commonplace. On the other hand, what's not being taught is salvation exclusively in Jesus Christ, repentance from sin, and the truths of hell and a just and holy God. Teaching that homosexuality and pederasty are sin is considered a hate crime so that Christian leaders are investing acceptability in what God considers abominations.
Those who are dismissing the inroads into the mainstream and evangelical churches made by post-modernism, liberalism and relativism as simply the 'spirit of the age', are ignorant of the conspiracy behind this transformation of today's churches, which is really one of the masterpieces of the Mystery of Iniquity. At this point a reminder of two points of the Illuminati objective may be a good idea: the first point is banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth, as well as lead people to hate the very name or thought of God and Christ. Second, corrupt the youth by feeding them with sex via the circulation of vulgar and pornographic literature. In addition, teach homosexuality as natural and encourage heterosexual promiscuity. Since the last millennium, the Mystery of Iniquity has been wielding its influence over denominational and evangelical churches to fulfill these two goals so that what we see today is the consummation of a masterminded degeneracy of Christianity and churchianity. Nevertheless, by the grace of God there is a remnant in all these churches who have stayed true to the written Word of the Lord Jesus, and they are of the ranks of the true Body of Christ against which Jesus pronounced, in Matthew 16:18, that the gates of hell (ie, Satan, the Mystery of Iniquity) will not prevail.
In the late 19th century and early 20th century two theologians of great influence that supported the Illuminist ideology were Dr. Walter Rauschenbusch and Dr. Henry F. Ward. These two doctors applied their scalpels indiscriminately to the Bible, replacing the need of individual salvation in Jesus Christ with a social gospel. This gospel was the vintage humanism of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt, and gospel meant nothing more than the social uplift of mankind. Again the Mystery of Iniquity was at work and in Rauschenbusch's theology, a new doctrine became the flavour of the day. The doctrine of the Kingdom of God on earth was offered but it must only be established through the denial of God and the rejection of every precept and law He had revealed in the Bible.
The progressive theological thought of Drs. Rauschenbusch and Ward led to the most vicious attacks on the core tenets of the Bible: the divinity of Jesus Christ, the doctrine of salvation by faith, and the reality of heaven and hell. In addition, their twisted amendment to the Ten Commandments along the lines of moral relativist ideology, such as 'Thou shalt not kill, ordinarily', or 'Thou shalt not commit adultery, ordinarily' was the prototype of the post-modern relativism of today. Then there was the 19th century theologian Kierkegaard, the father of Existentialism, who wrote volumes teaching his theory that what existed was not God.
Besides apostasy, the ecumenical movement has been another creation of the Mystery of Iniquity, Satan, which aims at establishing a One-World church. The movement now embraces almost all Protestant, Catholic and Orthodox denominations, and finds expression in the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches. The ecumenism axiom is 'we should all be one' and it's no accident or coincidence since the end goal is a One-World church for the new One-World order ruled by Antichrist, the Man of Lawlessness who is soon to be unveiled upon the world's political and military arena as its political and military ruler.
Syncretism is the current preoccupation of the World Council of Churches. Syncretism is the focus on extricating from the world's religions their common ideologies in order to make them the basis of dialogue, cooperation and unity. We observe around the world that almost all of today's evangelical and denominational churches have bought into the global synthetic interfaith unity and P.E.A.C.E. plans. These plans resemble a Manichaeaistic synthesis of philosophy, atheism, pantheism and heretical and apostate Christianity. In line with this synthetic trend is the creation of universal brotherhood within the framework of the world's main religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Confucianism.
The religion of the ecumenical movement has encroached into all parts of the world in order to unite all religions and bring about a One-World religion or church. This is made possible due to widespread apostasy from the truth and true faith in Jesus Christ within the churches of this age of reason and tolerance. With a One-World church, the path towards world domination will be made easy for the False Prophet when he ascends on the last-days scenario to rule alongside the Antichrist as the religious leader of the new One-World order.
A One-World government, however, requires the cooperation of all the world's governments and economies, and this has also been embodied in the Illuminati's masterplan from centuries ago.
Influence on the Global Financial Systems
Part 1

As early as the 1900s, it's been a well known fact that the person who controls a nation's economy controls the nation's destiny. Since then people have also known of the dangers of money manipulation; remember the Asian currency crisis of the 90s caused by George Soros' manipulation of the Asian currencies? The leaders most in cognizant of this fact are the international bankers, the most influential men who make up the ruling class of the economies of the world. These are men who control a chain of leading banks around the world and who operate in high places and command the control of billions or trillions of dollars, pounds, marks, francs, and other currencies. They are builders of such economic dynasties and powerhouses in the U.S. financial system as the House of Rothschild, the House of Warburg, Rhodes and Milner, Kuhn-Loeb & Co., J P Morgan, Bank of America, and the Federal Reserve, which contrary to popular misconception is not a government reserve bank but a central bank owned by private individuals, who are part of the international cartel.
There is no denying the power behind the U.S. financial system – we see it stamped on the reverse side of the U.S. dollar note, which is the 'All-seeing eye' of the Mystery of Lawlessness. This same symbol was used by the Manichaeans [1], the Illuminati and the Freemasons. It also appears on the Great Seal of the Federal Government of the USA. Is it mere coincidence that the Illuminati symbol is used by the American Federal Reserve System which issues the dollar note? This triangular eye is the symbol of the Mystery of Iniquity. And behind this Mystery is the devil, the arch-conspirator, whose aim is to prepare the way for the Satan-led Antichrist to rise to power. And because of this plan, he will extend any aid necessary to these instruments involved in his grand design.
The international bankers are the most successful businessmen in the financial world. They are the ones who finance governments and who thus finance wars, at no loss to themselves. It is the citizens of the nations who have to pay higher taxes to pay off the debt and its interest. Since the pantheon of these international bankers could not have been built on honest work and trust, it is their nature to be conspirators. With billions of dollars or pounds or marks loaned out, and at risk of vanishing, the international bank requires guarantees that its assets will not be lost overnight through events such as wars, change of governments or military coups.
There are two guarantees: loaning to a government a huge sum of money, therefore subordinating it to the creditor a measure of sovereignty. Thus the financier is assured of considerable influence in the policies of its debtor-governments. This influence is exactly what the international bankers want, as it means increasing the debts of nations leading to control. An indebted government is an indentured nation whose economy is in the dictates of its creditor. The end goal of international bankers is not money – for they already command financial empires – but the control of nations and rule of the world. Second, international bankers will resort to financing an enemy or rival government. If a ruler does not have an enemy or opposition, the bankers will create one. Many wars in the past two centuries have been the result of a ruler not toeing the line. International bankers are known to finance two opposing governments at the same time to guarantee protection of their investments.
The U.S. government has been overspending and accumulating a tremendous debt to the tune of billions of billions of dollars since the end of the Second World War. These debts should indenture the U.S to whomever they are getting their money from. For years, America has been spending big on projects to finance wars, armaments and space programmes, as well as grants and loans to other nations. It goes without saying that no country can engage in this kind of spending without requiring huge funds, which must come from somewhere. Who then supplies the funds, besides taxation, for this overspending by the U.S. government? The huge amounts required can only come from the powers that have immeasurable amounts of wealth. These are the international bankers, of course. Collectively only they could have so much finance available to lend at their disposal. Hence the huge spending by the U.S. government is leading to an annual increase of her national debt and indebtedness to the international bank. That USA is on the brink of a financial collapse is understating the issue.
Now, what about the current financial meltdown in the U.S. that the rest of the world is also reeling from a spillover-effect due to the interconnecting, interdependency of the global market and world trade? Answer in Part 2 below.
1. Manichaeans are a secret occult religion founded by a Persian named, Mani, in the 3rd century AD. It has links to the Babylonian cultic religion.

Part 2
The writing has been on the wall for two decades. Honestly, the world has been due this global financial fallout and meltdown from decades of excess and corruption by financiers and rogue money traders, as well as the misappropriating of loans by financial institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, with ramifications felt by insurance brokers, AIG. However, do not discount the other important factor, which can be attributed to the evil conspiracy within the ranks of the Illuminati and the international bankers. Consider the common tactics of these conspirators: create fears, crises, artificial shortages and inflation as a means of procuring the consent of the masses for change, controls and reforms, but which actually increase the power of the manipulators. In fear mongering, you take an element of truth, amplify and exaggerate it and you have not only an untruth but an artificial crisis. When artificial crises are created on the international level, it can lead to widespread panic and to individuals and nations surrendering their basic interests to external control [2]. We see this happening with Obama's socialism of the U.S.A.
Is this not what we're seeing also with the world credit crunch and global financial meltdown? Money is being manipulated by the conspirators and they have triggered off a series of panics with rumours of insolvency creating a crisis. Dangers of money manipulation are well known. How often have we heard our leaders tell us that doom and gloom purveyors are exaggerating the crisis and keeping the rest of the people from spending and reducing the circulating of money in the economy? International Bankers are experts at manipulating money – increasing or reducing the flow of currency to create inflation or depression. And today they, along with assorted fellow-insiders, are manipulating world conditions to create these apparent crises so that the nations will believe that the only hope for us all is a social and economic reform. And so the spillover is taking effect at the stock exchange and the retail industries, raising unemployment and deflating the currency. Just as Satan capitalises on an individual's problem so he does with the world's needs, turning them into crises so that nations can yield to his designs. A huge leap forward in world control has been successfully orchestrated.
The conspirators behind the current U.S. financial crisis caused by the credit crunch want to see America weakened which will affect the rest of the world, for this is their route to the New World Order being established. A weakened America paves the way for the European Union to take over as the dominant economic power. It is from the core ten EU economic powers that the Antichrist, empowered by the devil, has been prophesied in the Bible to arise. Therefore, from the big-picture perspective of Satan's grand designs, the current credit crunch and global financial crisis have been two millennia in the making.
The cycle of crisis and reform is a trend that can be traced as far back as to the early 1920s. Back then, when the elite cartel of bankers created rumours of insolvency of the smaller banks, the international bank moved for a White House support of a congressional bank reform. The reform that resulted was the passing into law of the Federal Reserve Act, which consolidated the power of the International Bankers to dictate the wealth and economy of America.
Reforms are very much a ploy of the Mystery of Iniquity to move the world towards a new socio-economic order. Now reforms are also being fructified on the lips of President Barack Obama, and Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Kevin Rudd, as well as French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the rulers of the European Union. These reforms include:
1. A cashless society – a new monetary order and One-World currency that replaces gold and all the world's currencies. This is to pave the way for the realisation of the Mark of the Beast whereby every one who wants to participate in the global economy must carry a mark on the forehead or right hand. Also to make way for the realisation of a post-Orwellian surveillance society whereby the Antichrist can determine a dissident's whereabouts as quickly as the swipe of a card or a scanning of codes from an implanted computer chip, read from your mobile phone.
2. A socialist revival – this has been happening since the late 70s and is gaining ground today. Make no mistake – the reforms called by the governments in the forms of their bail-out plans to rescue private corporations, banks and industries from total collapse are transforming previously free market capitalist economies into socialist ones. Socialism is just a small step away from total communism or dictatorship, in which an individual's sovereignty is surrendered to his government. It makes it easy to ease the masses into a surrendering of their wills, sovereignty, rights and freedom to the Antichrist.
In the last four articles, I have attempted to link in common the systems of this world – world governments, religions and economies – to the Illuminati and the workings of the Mystery of Iniquity. All have a common denominator which is the devil, Satan, who is influencing world events including the direction of governments towards a socialist revival and ultimately towards a One-World power, religions towards a One-World church, and economic systems towards a cashless, One-World currency. This is to pave the way for the coming One-World leader to assume world power, who is the Antichrist.
Antichrist will rule with the power of Satan in a 42-month reign of terror on earth. The devil's machinations are of old, commenced when he fell from grace as God's most powerful and beautiful cherub, called Lucifer, because he had wanted to supplant God in the heavenly throne. This attempt for world power is a war the devil is waging against God for the souls of men. Only the souls of saved men, covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, will escape this coming terror known as the Great Tribulation.
The writing has been on the wall for two decades. Honestly, the world has been due this global financial fallout and meltdown from decades of excess and corruption by financiers and rogue money traders, as well as the misappropriating of loans by financial institutions such as Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, with ramifications felt by insurance brokers, AIG. However, do not discount the other important factor, which can be attributed to the evil conspiracy within the ranks of the Illuminati and the international bankers. Consider the common tactics of these conspirators: create fears, crises, artificial shortages and inflation as a means of procuring the consent of the masses for change, controls and reforms, but which actually increase the power of the manipulators. In fear mongering, you take an element of truth, amplify and exaggerate it and you have not only an untruth but an artificial crisis. When artificial crises are created on the international level, it can lead to widespread panic and to individuals and nations surrendering their basic interests to external control [2]. We see this happening with Obama's socialism of the U.S.A.
Is this not what we're seeing also with the world credit crunch and global financial meltdown? Money is being manipulated by the conspirators and they have triggered off a series of panics with rumours of insolvency creating a crisis. Dangers of money manipulation are well known. How often have we heard our leaders tell us that doom and gloom purveyors are exaggerating the crisis and keeping the rest of the people from spending and reducing the circulating of money in the economy? International Bankers are experts at manipulating money – increasing or reducing the flow of currency to create inflation or depression. And today they, along with assorted fellow-insiders, are manipulating world conditions to create these apparent crises so that the nations will believe that the only hope for us all is a social and economic reform. And so the spillover is taking effect at the stock exchange and the retail industries, raising unemployment and deflating the currency. Just as Satan capitalises on an individual's problem so he does with the world's needs, turning them into crises so that nations can yield to his designs. A huge leap forward in world control has been successfully orchestrated.
The conspirators behind the current U.S. financial crisis caused by the credit crunch want to see America weakened which will affect the rest of the world, for this is their route to the New World Order being established. A weakened America paves the way for the European Union to take over as the dominant economic power. It is from the core ten EU economic powers that the Antichrist, empowered by the devil, has been prophesied in the Bible to arise. Therefore, from the big-picture perspective of Satan's grand designs, the current credit crunch and global financial crisis have been two millennia in the making.
The cycle of crisis and reform is a trend that can be traced as far back as to the early 1920s. Back then, when the elite cartel of bankers created rumours of insolvency of the smaller banks, the international bank moved for a White House support of a congressional bank reform. The reform that resulted was the passing into law of the Federal Reserve Act, which consolidated the power of the International Bankers to dictate the wealth and economy of America.
Reforms are very much a ploy of the Mystery of Iniquity to move the world towards a new socio-economic order. Now reforms are also being fructified on the lips of President Barack Obama, and Prime Ministers Gordon Brown and Kevin Rudd, as well as French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, and the rulers of the European Union. These reforms include:
1. A cashless society – a new monetary order and One-World currency that replaces gold and all the world's currencies. This is to pave the way for the realisation of the Mark of the Beast whereby every one who wants to participate in the global economy must carry a mark on the forehead or right hand. Also to make way for the realisation of a post-Orwellian surveillance society whereby the Antichrist can determine a dissident's whereabouts as quickly as the swipe of a card or a scanning of codes from an implanted computer chip, read from your mobile phone.
2. A socialist revival – this has been happening since the late 70s and is gaining ground today. Make no mistake – the reforms called by the governments in the forms of their bail-out plans to rescue private corporations, banks and industries from total collapse are transforming previously free market capitalist economies into socialist ones. Socialism is just a small step away from total communism or dictatorship, in which an individual's sovereignty is surrendered to his government. It makes it easy to ease the masses into a surrendering of their wills, sovereignty, rights and freedom to the Antichrist.
In the last four articles, I have attempted to link in common the systems of this world – world governments, religions and economies – to the Illuminati and the workings of the Mystery of Iniquity. All have a common denominator which is the devil, Satan, who is influencing world events including the direction of governments towards a socialist revival and ultimately towards a One-World power, religions towards a One-World church, and economic systems towards a cashless, One-World currency. This is to pave the way for the coming One-World leader to assume world power, who is the Antichrist.
Antichrist will rule with the power of Satan in a 42-month reign of terror on earth. The devil's machinations are of old, commenced when he fell from grace as God's most powerful and beautiful cherub, called Lucifer, because he had wanted to supplant God in the heavenly throne. This attempt for world power is a war the devil is waging against God for the souls of men. Only the souls of saved men, covered in the blood of Jesus Christ, will escape this coming terror known as the Great Tribulation.
[2] In textbook terms, this is the Cloward-Piven Strategy.
(This article was first posted in February 2009. Portions of the article have been adapted for the novel, Sons of God.)
(This article was first posted in February 2009. Portions of the article have been adapted for the novel, Sons of God.)