Signs in the Stars

and on earth

There's no doubt that I believe we're living in the times of the biblical signs.

This week's feature world event is that of the asteroid that came close to hitting earth. On the same day - a coincidence? Methinks not - a meteor zipped across the sky of Russia, shattering glass, damaging buildings, and injuring more than twelve hundred people in the Siberian city of Chelyabinsk. (More.) 

If there is mystery that needs to be deciphered concerning these events, it is that they are the signs that will herald the Lord Jesus Christ's Second Advent. When the meteor struck Russia, I could not help but be reminded of several prophecies in Scripture.

Prior to His Second Coming, the Lord Jesus said that "... there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21: 25-26). 

In addition, in Revelation 8: 8-9, the Lord Jesus instructed the Apostle John to write:
"The second angel blew his trumpet, and something like a great mountain, burning with fire, was thrown into the sea, and a third of the sea became blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea died, and a third of the ships were destroyed."

This is the Second Trumpet judgment of the time of the Great Tribulation that shall last for seven years. This judgment describes a huge mountain all ablaze, which will fall into the sea. Bible scholars believe that this blazing mountain is likely a meteor, and the sea into which this meteor will find its rest is the Mediterranean Sea. A third of this sea will turn into blood, killing a third of the living creatures in it. A third of the ships will also be destroyed.

In reference to the Siberian meteorite, I believe that we have just been served a smidgen of foretaste of the type of destruction a meteor can cause when it simply grazes a town's infrastructure. It has been reported that the Russian meteor had the power of thirty Hiroshima bombs. With this in mind, I can scarcely imagine the destructive power of the meteor of God's Second Trumpet judgment on earth that will strike the Mediterranean Sea. As the Holy Scripture prophesies, a third of this ocean will be destroyed, decimating a third of the sea creatures.

There is more. 

When the angel of the Lord blows the Third Trumpet (Revelation 8: 10-11) God will unleash another meteorite, called Wormwood, on earth. This time, a third of the rivers will be polluted, killing the people dependent on these rivers for survival.

I believe the Siberian meteor is a harbinger of the Tribulation meteorites of the Second and Third Trumpet judgments that will be unleashed on earth. At that time, sadly and frighteningly, there will be more damage to be reported than the reports currently lighting up the social media caused by the Russian meteor.

Another recent and ongoing breakout story in world news is that of the horse and donkey meat scandal. (Max Keiser dubbed this the honkey meat.)

If the meat was merely horse meat, perhaps my doomsday radar would not have lit up. But it has been reported that the meat may contain an anti-inflammatory called phenythbutazone, which may pose a health risk to people who consume the horse flesh.

And this is another sign that we are living in the last days. Indeed, pestilences will threaten mankind with death during the Great Tribulation, also known as the Day of the Lord. This has been foretold in the Book of Revelation:
"When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature say, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a pale horse! And its rider's name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" (Revelation 6:7-8).

And so it seems that we have found another way to kill ourselves: four years ago it was the still-endemic Influenza A or H1N1 virus, including the swine and avian influenza strains, which some have supposed to be a manmade virus; today it is contaminated honkey meat. 

The latest honkey meat scandal virtually makes all the livestock we consume as meat suspect - or at least, something to be wary of. Is there anything left that is really safe to eat? As a consequence, we can no doubt expect another escalation of meat and energy prices being wielded by the global oligarchs.

How much more of this can we take? 

Think about it: we have turned God's perfect creation - earth - into a shambles. 

Christians are facing a crisis that is forcing us to ponder our values: homosexuality is now widely accepted in the media, in the streets, in education - nay, not only accepted but embraced and flaunted (has anyone else noticed how this season's American idol is replete with gays and cross dressing transgenders flaunting their beliefs and aesthetics?); Islam is on the rise and Islamic values are being protected whereas Christians are being persecuted and Christian values mocked; socialism is being imposed on us as globalists seek to create social uprisings to overthrow capitalist economies via the ongoing global financial crisis; our elected officials are pandering to these globalists who seek to cull populations via Agenda 21 and redistribute wealth via the dumbing down of education, the axing of jobs and increased taxation; churches are being infiltrated by change agents that are teaching the heresies of ecumenicalism, Universalism and pagan spirituality, leading thousands of their congregants to hell*; and despite research findings to the contrary, environmentalists are continuing to spout the lie of anthropogenic climate change in order to justify hyper inflation.

Hence the rise in suicide rates among those who do not have a grasp of the Biblical big picture. Because they have no knowledge of God.

Indeed, satanic activity is heightening in these last days. Satan knows that when the Tribulation Hour comes upon earth, his time is short.

But we rejoice in the Lord for the Lord God is in control.

Surely God, who is long suffering towards us because He loves us with such a passion, must soon put an end to all this chaos. 

He loves His own too much. It's that simple. 

There is only one way to heaven: this way is the Lord Jesus Christ - through the repentance of sin and acceptance of Jesus Christ as the only propitiation for sin. Jesus is the only way back to the heavenly Father. This is the only true gospel. Social justice, good works, ecumenicalism and Universalism are false gospels.