The New World Order is an economic and political reform which many leaders of the G20 believe will unite the world in its bid to overcome the financial crisis that has beset us. As a new form of government it is characterised by a socialist economic and political system that will be governed by a potentate or a collective that comprises a core group of powerful rulers. One of its objectives will be to eliminate all the world's many currencies and replace them with one common currency used globally and universally for trade, commerce and all manner of personal and public business transaction. Prophecy scholars believe that this will be a harbinger for the realisation of the Mark or Number of the Beast, a cashless form of currency, foretold in the Bible in Revelation 13:16-18, which the Antichrist will compel the world's citizens to bear in their body in order to buy and sell in the global economy.
The following is an excerpt from Grant R. Jeffrey's newest tome, Countdown to the Apocalypse, which provides an update on world trends towards the institutionalizing of the Mark of the Beast and the onset of the cashless and post-Orwellian surveillance society.
According to Grant Jeffrey, the Mark of the Beast that will be implanted beneath the skin of the hand or forehead is “invasive but not far from being reality.” There exist several companies today that are on course to perfecting technology that uses radio-frequency identification chips (RFID), so tiny they can be embedded in the skin, but will be sophisticated enough to be a repository for the data and records of an individual's complete identity. These chips, according to the initiated, are capable of storing biometric ID and one's medical and financial records.
To quote Mr. Jeffrey,
Jeffrey compares the storage ability of this ID chip to that of thirty sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, within which an individual's complete financial, medical, legal, and personal records can be held, accessed and read from a distance by electronic scanners. A report in Businessweek magazine has attested to the fact that MasterCard International has been testing a 'smart card' computer chip which includes information about a person's private identity and fingerprints that can be encrypted in a credit card. [1]
Regarding the loss of privacy and individuals placed under surveillance, Jeffrey intones:
Jeffrey goes on to maintain that there are already some banks and stores that have the technology and are using it to scan a customer's fingerprint, comparing it to the information stored on certain credit cards. This is done to prevent credit-card fraud and identify theft. [2]
This is a highly fascinating piece of exposition by Grant Jeffrey. Scary but fascinating all the same – and how exciting that this is the century Bible-believing Christians are witnessing, and at the centre of, the fulfillment of events prophesied thousands of years ago by the prophets Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and John. It's no wonder that other heavyweights in the field of eschatology – Hal Lindsey, John Walvoord, Tim LaHaye, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Arthur Bloomfield and Chuck Missler – recognize that the major current world events we are observing unfolding in our volatile economic landscape, and those that involve the nation of Israel, are the signs of the time of the end.
As a counterpoint to all of life's vagaries – the changeable weather, market and property prices in a state of flux, friends that come and go, and relationships that are built and destroyed – the prophecies of God are a source of stability and comfort because they have remained, and will remain, a constant. The call to action towards globalism and the realization of the New World Order by the world's leaders such as former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and U.S President Barack Obama, is pointing towards the culmination of God's prophetic calendar of last-days events which will climax in the terrible 42-month reign of Antichrist and his defeat in the hands of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Then will come the Lord Jesus' Millennial Reign and Day of Judgment.
For the meek and humble who have placed their trust and hope in Jesus Christ, and for the patient and persecuted but righteous ones, those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, I believe that the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is something to look forward to. Sir Thomas More's Utopia fails to envision the kind of peace, truth and justice that will prevail during Christ's thousand-year rule of iron:
However, the Day of Judgment is a day to dread for those who have chosen to deny Christ and His absolute Word. On that day, nothing will be hidden – including all vain motives, malicious thoughts and malevolent lies. Every thought and deed will be revealed since all must give an account of their deeds to Christ who will judge their hearts. Woe betide the lost whose names are struck off the Book of Life for they will have their place in the Lake of Fire together with Antichrist, Satan and death. The Bible says,
This place of fire and brimstone can be avoided with a sincere repentance of sin and commitment to making Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. And that's the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ.
Maranatha! And may Israel too be blessed.
1. Grant R. Jeffrey, Countdown to the Apocalyse, Waterbrook, USA, 2008, p. 167.
2. ibid.
The following is an excerpt from Grant R. Jeffrey's newest tome, Countdown to the Apocalypse, which provides an update on world trends towards the institutionalizing of the Mark of the Beast and the onset of the cashless and post-Orwellian surveillance society.
According to Grant Jeffrey, the Mark of the Beast that will be implanted beneath the skin of the hand or forehead is “invasive but not far from being reality.” There exist several companies today that are on course to perfecting technology that uses radio-frequency identification chips (RFID), so tiny they can be embedded in the skin, but will be sophisticated enough to be a repository for the data and records of an individual's complete identity. These chips, according to the initiated, are capable of storing biometric ID and one's medical and financial records.
To quote Mr. Jeffrey,
“A miniature computer chip, the size of a large grain of rice, that can hold up to five gigabytes of information, already exists.”
Jeffrey compares the storage ability of this ID chip to that of thirty sets of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, within which an individual's complete financial, medical, legal, and personal records can be held, accessed and read from a distance by electronic scanners. A report in Businessweek magazine has attested to the fact that MasterCard International has been testing a 'smart card' computer chip which includes information about a person's private identity and fingerprints that can be encrypted in a credit card. [1]
Regarding the loss of privacy and individuals placed under surveillance, Jeffrey intones:
“The new VeriChip, a beneath-the-skin radio frequency chip, can be implanted and will contain comprehensive information about an individual, together with a GPS locator system that will allow an interested party or institution not only to locate an individual but to identify the person, along with his or her financial, medical, and even criminal records.”
Jeffrey goes on to maintain that there are already some banks and stores that have the technology and are using it to scan a customer's fingerprint, comparing it to the information stored on certain credit cards. This is done to prevent credit-card fraud and identify theft. [2]
This is a highly fascinating piece of exposition by Grant Jeffrey. Scary but fascinating all the same – and how exciting that this is the century Bible-believing Christians are witnessing, and at the centre of, the fulfillment of events prophesied thousands of years ago by the prophets Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel and John. It's no wonder that other heavyweights in the field of eschatology – Hal Lindsey, John Walvoord, Tim LaHaye, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Arthur Bloomfield and Chuck Missler – recognize that the major current world events we are observing unfolding in our volatile economic landscape, and those that involve the nation of Israel, are the signs of the time of the end.
As a counterpoint to all of life's vagaries – the changeable weather, market and property prices in a state of flux, friends that come and go, and relationships that are built and destroyed – the prophecies of God are a source of stability and comfort because they have remained, and will remain, a constant. The call to action towards globalism and the realization of the New World Order by the world's leaders such as former U.S. Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, and U.S President Barack Obama, is pointing towards the culmination of God's prophetic calendar of last-days events which will climax in the terrible 42-month reign of Antichrist and his defeat in the hands of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. Then will come the Lord Jesus' Millennial Reign and Day of Judgment.
For the meek and humble who have placed their trust and hope in Jesus Christ, and for the patient and persecuted but righteous ones, those who are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ, I believe that the Millennial Kingdom of Christ is something to look forward to. Sir Thomas More's Utopia fails to envision the kind of peace, truth and justice that will prevail during Christ's thousand-year rule of iron:
“And out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations: and He shall rule them with a rod of iron: and He treads the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God” (Revelation 19:15 – 16).
However, the Day of Judgment is a day to dread for those who have chosen to deny Christ and His absolute Word. On that day, nothing will be hidden – including all vain motives, malicious thoughts and malevolent lies. Every thought and deed will be revealed since all must give an account of their deeds to Christ who will judge their hearts. Woe betide the lost whose names are struck off the Book of Life for they will have their place in the Lake of Fire together with Antichrist, Satan and death. The Bible says,
“But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death” (Revelation 21:7).
This place of fire and brimstone can be avoided with a sincere repentance of sin and commitment to making Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives. And that's the blessed gospel of Jesus Christ.
Maranatha! And may Israel too be blessed.
1. Grant R. Jeffrey, Countdown to the Apocalyse, Waterbrook, USA, 2008, p. 167.
2. ibid.