A Case for Natural Marriage

Has the boat on same sex marriage already sailed? To many it has, it seems that once advocates against it are now on board and evolution is to blame. On facebook, we see equal signs taking the place of profile pictures, LGBT sound bites and photo clips litter the internet while the issue makes front pages of newspapers all across the country.

Basically, the marriage law applies to each citizen in exactly the same way, the Homosexual wants the right to do something neither person can do. So all those with equal signs posted to their profiles are drastically misinformed, or they simply like being part of the crowd. G.K. Chesterton once said, "Fallacies don't cease to be fallacies when they become fashions." How we all could benefit from such eloquent truths.

What is marriage? Is it something we invent? Is it a social contract defined by culture? No, again I will quote Koukl here,
"The truth is, it is not culture that constructs marriages or the families marriages begin. Rather, it is the other way around: Marriage and family construct culture. As the building blocks of civilization, families are logically prior to society, as the parts are prior to the whole." (Greg Koukl, Solid Ground)

In conclusion, I stand for natural marriage. After examining the data, I truly think the definition shouldn't be redefined by culture. The relationship between a man and woman is different and yields different results than any other relationship out there. If we redefine natural marriage to include another relationship we will leave a principle and run after the fleeting heart of emotions, this in turn will open up Pandora's box, will we then allow the NAMBLA to marry children? Will we allow polygamy? The funny thing is, everyone you will meet and engage with will have their own definition of marriage, everyone draws some sort of line. Why not keep what we see described in nature?

Read the article in its entirety here.