Imagine There’s No Heaven

Imagine there’s no heaven. It’s easy if you try. No hell below us, above us only sky. Imagine all the people, living for today. You probably recognize these words penned by late Beatle, John Lennon, who emotionally sang the words with its haunting piano accompaniment. Have you ever tried to imagine life without Heaven or Hell? What would life be like if we erased the fingerprints of God from the universe? What are the ramifications of life without God? The answer can only be absurdity, hopelessness, and as Lennon pointed out, “... living for today.”

Life without God does not lead to peace and respect for others. It leads to the devaluement of human life. It strips the objective basis for morality from humanity. This is not to say that a person who does not believe in God cannot value others or live morally. I know many pleasant atheists who live moral lives better than some Christians, but they have no objective reason for doing so. The logical, but unpleasant, conclusion one must draw from naturalism is that life does not matter. It is a random sequence of pointless events. People do not matter. One must do whatever it takes to make life meaningful at the expense of others.

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