"Everyone--Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Jew, New Ager, Atheist--needs to answer the same question: What makes humans valuable in the first place?"
Normally, I don't take the time to rehash a Facebook post, but the response I got was extremely characteristic of our culture and deserves some careful thinking. Under the circumstances I thought it might be instructive to take a closer look at the retort and then walk through how I would respond.
The retort I got was:
The Buddhists already know. You'd know that if you research them before blindly judging them. You Christians are good at judging, so I wasn't surprised. I think Jesus told you not to judge, or you'd be judged yourself.
It seems like a Christian can't say almost anything without someone chiming in, "Jesus said you shouldn't judge!" For this reason, I think it will be very beneficial to carefully think through how one should respond to this particular challenge.