British doctor Dr Aubrey de Grey believes people who have already been born could live for ten centuries because of ongoing research being done into “repairing the effects of ageing”. He hopes ultimately to create treatments that mean death could be postponed by constantly repairing our bodies, so that we can live as long as 1,000 years or possibly even forever. Dr de Grey founded the aptly-named Methuselah Foundation. Its website states that, “By advancing tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, we want to create a world where 90-year olds can be as healthy as 50-year olds—by 2030.” Helping people to live a long, healthy life is a laudable aim, but for Christians, the idea of living forever in our fallen world is not very attractive—we look forward instead to the perfections of a new heaven and new earth (Revelation 21:1–5). Plus, it doesn’t solve all forms of death—anti-ageing treatments could forestall (not cure) some types of death but could never prevent death by such things as explosion or plane crash.
Although death is a physical thing, the reason for death is spiritual, as the Bible makes clear.
Those who are attempting to conquer death are 2,000 years behind! As Paul again wrote, “our Saviour Christ Jesus [has] abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 Timothy 1:10). This includes new resurrection bodies for all believers in the future (1 Corinthians 15:42–44; Philippians 3:20–21)—how much better than the vain hope of ‘conquering’ death by science (e.g cryonics)!
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