It is also a term that people refuse to use today to identify false teaching and teachers.
Biblical heresy is often a denial of one or more of the core beliefs held by the Church that are found in the Bible. Such as the Triunity of God, the deity of Christ or salvation by grace alone through faith in Christ alone. There is also heresy that is not biblically based, introducing other religious spiritual teachings to add to what the Scripture says.
We have all heard the statement “eat the meat and spit out the bones,” but only the mature believer can discern good from evil. What parent would feed a little child a fish with bones and expect it to know what to do. This is not a good answer for the newborn, weak or immature in faith. Young lambs, like a young child, do not understand the differences, and will be destroyed if not protected. This is why we are to identify certain people who are expounding these heresies, we prevent the lambs from immediate harm.
If we are to keep unity we are to contend for “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).
Read the details here.