The attempts of the United Nations and pro-Palestinian demonstrators at constructing a calumny around Israel's defense of her citizens and sovereignty from eight years of Hamas offensive are outrageous. No other country, not even New Zealand whose participation in world policing is as peacekeepers only, would sit back and watch while her people and national security are being ravaged, never mind if it's by a nation with greater military capabilities. Yet, Israel is under global censure for doing precisely the very thing every other sovereign nation would.
I'd like to know how anti-Israeli protesters of the likes of Kiwis, John Minto and Diane Luping, as well as all who sit on the U.N. Security Council, would respond to a gang of hoodlums looting their homes and thugs attacking their families. Shame on Minto who should be channelling his energy and resources towards alleviating 'racism' in our own backyard. The antisemitic calls of the United Nations for a bilateral ceasefire ignore the reality that Hamas is a terrorist organization that deposed Fatah as the ruling Palestinian party solely for the purpose of annihilating Israel. Any serious Bible scholar with a fervid knowledge of prophecy would know that there are no mutually agreeable terms for a long-term truce – Hamas has no desire for entente as long as Israel exists as a nation in the Middle East. In any case, if it's not Hamas, it'll be Hezbollah, both endorsed and backed by the Iranian despot, Mahmoud Ahmedinejad.
Diane Luping's faux pas of calling for Israel to desist from "apartheid" and occupation betrays a commonplace ignorance of Jewry and its commitment to the commandments given by God to treat with respect outsiders in their midst. If anything, Israel provided for the employment of both her Jewish and Arab citizens before the emergence of Fatah and the PLO, which was responsible for the conflict in the Middle East and the voluntary displacement of the Palestinians from Israeli territories. Had it not been for Israel's concession to give up the Gaza Strip and West Bank, the Arabs of other Middle East nations, all of which refused to absorb the Palestinian refugees, would not have seen the end of the refugee crisis. What's more, few probably are aware that the Knesset had always been represented by both Jews and Arabs.
And as far as the claim of occupation, shame on Luping, a self-professing lawyer, who should know better. She should make more productive use of her time by understanding Jewish history and international land laws which, in addition to the Balfour Declaration and the Abrahamic Covenant, are on the side of Israel's historical claim to, and defense of, her land.
I challenge both Minto and Luping and their ilk to be conversant in Jewish laws and history before they make accusations of racism and apartheid against Israel. I recommend the Old Testament books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy as a good place to start.
The actions of the United Nations and other anti-semitic anti-Zionist groups risk incurring God's wrath the longer they persist in forcing Israel's hand at giving up her land and rights. Jesus Christ's parable of the sheep and goats is a warning to the world's nations and individuals in respect of how they treat Israel. Nations that mistreat Israel are destined for severe judgment. In Genesis 12:3, when God chose Israel as the Promised Land to be given to His elect, He made a covenant with Abraham and all his descendants including Jacob the father of the Jews, promising:
"I will bless those that bless you, and those who curse you I will curse."
For a historical perspective of Israel's claim to her land, read here.