Last Days

"On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world" (Luke 21: 25,26). 

These are Jesus' own words. Thence, it's no surprise what is happening in the world, in particular in northern Africa and the Mid-East, or that calamities wrought by nature should increase in these last days.

What surprises me is the speed the domino effect of the political and social unrest taking place in northern Africa is having on the politcal landscapes of the Middle East that began first in Tunisia and was quckly followed by Egypt, then Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Libya. There's so much excitement in the news about the political changes that appear inevitable in these regions; most of the free world (USA especially) is eager to see these nations peacefully transition their economies into something resembling a democracy.

But unrest is everywhere, isn't it, and not just in the Mid-East. There are protests in Europe and in the USA as well for reforms of every kind. People everywhere appear to be in anguish and bewildered about the world's crises. So what in the world is going on?

The way I see it (putting on my tin foil hat at the same time) is that we are living in the days that the Lord Jesus speaks of, which will culminate in the rise of a New World Order leader on the world's stage to begin his reign. (The stage is set for people everywhere to welcome this false 'messiah' who will resolve their crises.) This will commence, I believe, after the rapture of the church and proceed through the seven years of the Tribulation. This leader is the one that Bible believing Christians (those who subscribe to the pre-mill eschatology in particular) call the Antichrist and Islamists call the Mahdi, whom the latter consider a good guy.

Therefore, what's taking place in the Mid East currently is really a natural progression before Antichrist begins his reign. (Yes, I believe he is waiting in the wings.) Ergo, these old dictators with their totalitarian regimes in the volatile east must be toppled to make clear the path of Antichrist's emergence. Ironically, the world will then be put under Antichrist's brand of totalitarianism.

The outcry by the Powers That Be (PTBs) against decades of political oppression, economic mismanagement and environmental assault, in many parts of the world, is simply a front to advance their globalist agenda and ultimately usher in a New World Order with its leader - Antichrist - at its helm. I wouldn't put it past these PTBs to have played a role in the crises taking place in northern Africa and the Mid East; ironically they will somehow emerge with a plan (perhaps by unveiling the Antichrist) to solve these crises that they themselves have manufactured. One plan is to have the IMF pledge assistance to these nations in crisis and place them under the former's debt. We see this coming to fruition with President Obama recently suggesting that the IMF participate in aiding those nations realise their goals of forming a democratic government. Indeed, what Obama hopes is that by placing those nations under the debt of the IMF, which is a globalist body, the PTBs will push through their globalist agenda which is world domination through economic dominance.

It is also a distraction by the PTBs to draw the world's attention away from what is happening in Israel. I hear that an attack on Israel by an Iran-backed Syria, Lebanon (Hezbollah) and Hamas in Gaza is imminent.

Who are these PTBs? Who can really know? Many believe, however, that among their ranks are dignitaries from all nations of the world: they are political and economic rulers that run the gamut - presidents of nations, prime ministers, politicians, international bankers, emperors, sultans, educationists and laureates.

What I do know for certain is that they are puppets of the real mischief maker - Satan, who knows his time is short and is desperate to be worshiped as god through the reign of Antichrist who will be empowered by him. But in order to succeed, he must dispose of all other despots, even possibly monarchs and, definitely, Israel. Why Israel? Because Israel belongs to the Lord Jesus Christ.

And Satan is using the Islamists and the globalists (in the political, economic and environmental spheres) to fulfill his dream. Not even the 'church' is spared. Lucifer is also recruiting globalists from among the 'Elect' to implement his New World Order. Thence you have church pastors and leaders who are engaged in cultural wars by participating in syncretism and ecumenicalism which attempt to unite all the religions of the world in order to solve the problems of the environment, food shortage, war and social instability. This, at the expense of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. How like Lucifer to draw the church's attention away from reaching the lost with the gospel. It's what he wants: as many as possible to languish in hell with him.

Not going to happen, folks! Because it is only the Lord Jesus Christ who will succeed in solving the world's problems when He returns to reign in the millennial kingdom. And this is my take.

Jesus Reigns!