These Dangerous Times

ONE News, 13 October, 2012 

Wild weather lashes New Zealand 

Wild weather lashing the country has closed a major tourist route and knocked out power to parts of Auckland. 

DAILY MAIL REPORTER, 18 August 2012 

Weather gone wild! 
Incredible National Geographic pictures show the awesome power of mother nature across America. 

Kirkville Daily Express, 29 December 2012 

Wild weather year with drought, wind storm 
The year's wild weather (in the UK) from little precipitation during the spring and summer to damaging wind storms makes the No. 2 top local story of 2012.

NBC News, 30 December 2012 

Nature’s fury: The weather of 2012 
It seems that from coast to coast, no one was spared extreme weather in 2012. In a look back at some of the severe weather across the country, communities endured tornadoes, wildfires and hurricanes.

Detroit Free Press, 30 December, 2012

Wild weather slams U.S., world.
From heat to floods, it's another year for records. 
WASHINGTON -- As 2012 began, winter in the U.S. went AWOL. Spring and summer arrived early with wildfires, blistering heat and drought. And fall hit the eastern third of the country with the ferocity of superstorm Sandy. This past year's weather was deadly, costly and record-breaking everywhere -- but especially in the U.S.

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It was during one of my meditations on selfhood that I felt urged on to write about these dangerous times. Yes, we are living in dangerous times. We are seeing the appearing of the signs prophesied in the Bible that point to the concluding of this age and world systems as we know them. Whatever a believer's eschatology may be, he must surely be riveted on the TV set and Internet for world events that Scripture says must take place before the soon return of Messiah, the Christ. And prior to this, the Body of Christ will be snatched away in what Scripture calls the harpazo (rapture).

What are the harbingers for end times observers that history is drawing to a close? Luke 21:25-27 describe them clearly:
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken”. 

Yes, frighteningly real.

What of the 'sea and waves roaring'? Does this not remind us of the unprecedented incidents of floods and storms causing tidal waves that are occurring around the world - ofttimes occurring simultaneously in diverse places around the globe?

We are witnessing materializing before our very eyes nations in distress caused by war, famine, poverty and pestilences; and no other times in history has there been such a deluge of occurrences characterized by roaring waves and seas that decimate property and lives such as the 2005 S-E Asian Tsunami. There are continuing rippling effects of this up to the present from many parts of earth's shaken continental basins.

In regards to the end, 2 Peter 3:7 announces:
“Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.”

I believe this is the reason temperatures are rising globally. It has nothing to do with anthropogenic (man made) and imaginary climate change, which is scientifically unverifiable. I believe earth is being braced for this prophetic cleansing by fire.

Just as in the days of Noah when God cleansed the earth of its widespread evil with water, so in these final days, He will cleanse it with fire. Evil, wickedness and ungodliness will be destroyed once and for all, and God will then restore the world to its perfect state. It would be as it had used to be before the Fall caused by sin.

The prophecies of God are laid down in a biblical bedrock of infallibility and have an airtight track record of being fulfilled to the letter and with pinpoint accuracy. We fail to heed these prophetic signs at our own peril because they portend of a coming Day of the Lord who shall visit His judgment on all who have no fear of God but deny and mock His holy name.


Read more here about the time line of events after the Rapture.