"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21:25-26).

According to the New Testament synaptic gospels, the Magi (or Kings) from the East followed a conflagration in the sky, described as the brightest 'star' they could see that led them to the stable in Bethlehem where Jesus was born. Today astronomers have discovered compelling evidence that underpins the gospel record of a Bethlehem 'star'; vis a vis, in the months before the birth of Jesus, there were two planets moving along parallel trajectories which gradually met at a point. The confluence of these moving planets led to the conflagration in the sky which had indeed been the Magi's compass to the infant Jesus' manger. (You may like to watch this DVD.)
It is my belief that, just as there was a sign in the sky heralding the First Coming of the Messiah, so it is that God will give us a sign in the sky to herald Messiah's Second Coming.
Many prophecy observers believe we are living in the end times and signs pointing to this are already in the heavens: if you look east of your sunset on a clear night, you will see what appears to be an incredibly bright orb. You can't miss it – it's the brightest 'star' in the canopy.
This luminous orb is quite possibly the tenth planet, of which many doomsday sayers believe will cause cataclysmic events to occur aplenty in 2012. They support their position by referencing the Mayan and Chinese calendars which contain esoteric foreboding of the world's ending in the year 2012. However, there are just as many detractors who believe that their presage is just another example of a New Age delusion.
My own theory is that this 'tenth planet' that you can see in the sky even now may be the sign in the heavens, that the physician Luke is alluding to in the verse quoted above, that will trumpet Christ's return before the end of this age. Keep an eye on this orb – events are catapulting us towards another exciting and historic time for earth dwellers.