By KT and The Whyman
The world has hated Israel from antiquity for Satan has hated Israel from her beginning. This hatred was spawned in antediluvian times at the Garden of Eden, where in a serpent's disguise, he first tempted man and caused the first sin to be committed. It was immediately after the first rebellion that God foretold of the devil's destruction with the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ who would defeat him on the cross. God had told the serpent, the devil:
However, the devil in his prideful conceit believed that he could yet foil God's prophetic plans by destroying the ancient Israelites. For if he could destroy Israel, the promised seed, Jesus Christ, who was to come out of Israel's loins, would not germinate. Of course, Satan lost. Because the Israelites, with God's protection, could not be annihilated despite the barrage of attempts by the devil to do so, first, in the form of the Nephilim, that tried to contaminate the human gene pool through the interbreeding of fallen angles and daughters of men; next in the form of the Amalekites, who tried to prevent the Jews from settling in the Promised Land by slaughtering their women and children and polluting them with their false idolatry and child sacrifices; and later in the form of the series of battles with tribes such as the Philistines, Hittites and Edomites that tried unsuccessfully to suppress her civilisation and culture from thriving. Finally in the intertestament centuries preceding Jesus' birth, Satan tried but failed yet again to destroy Israel through her captivity by the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians and the Romans that had exiled her from the Promised Land.
Throughout history Israel has been the object of the devil's mission of annihilation and the world's nations have been the unknowing pawns. The mission to destroy Israel continued in the modern century in the devil's use of Hitler's Jewish pogrom and holocaust. However, if anything, the Jewish diaspora vivified their leaders to form the Zionist movement which would lead to the nation's rebirth in 1948. Today the devil is using the Arabs and their Islamist jihad to prevent God's prophecies for Israel and the world from coming to pass.
Satan has been defeated by Jesus on the cross, but his final defeat is yet to come. And he knows it too well for he hears the footsteps of the Messiah's Second Coming only too loudly. Prophecy foretells of the Messiah's Second Coming who will descend on the Holy Land (Jerusalem) to destroy Satan's armies. This is the reason the devil is leaving no stone unturned to annihilate Israel, for without Israel's existence as a nation, he believes that the Messiah will not be able to fulfill His prophetic Second Coming. But once again Satan will realize how nutty he is to think he can foil Almighty God's foolproof prophecy.
Israel may have called for a unilateral ceasefire but it's not over for the world. Indeed, the worst is still to come, in which the world will become embroiled in an extended Middle East conflict. Prophecy tells of a coming war that consists of an Arab confederacy of nations against Israel which will see the tiny Jewish nation record a resounding victory and expand her borders after many of these Arab territories will be ceded to her (Psalm 83). After that will come the Russian-Iranian led showdown with Israel called the Gog-Magog war (Ezekiel 38) [1]. All these must take place first before the final battle at Armageddon is waged between the armies of Jesus Christ and those of the world led by Satan, and this time the devil will be thoroughly defeated once and for all (Revelation 16).
It's true that Israel is not perfect. Secular Israel too are sinners and in need of the Lord Jesus – their Meshiach Nagid's forgiveness. These coming conflicts are a part of God's plans to bring them to repentance and recognition of Jesus as their Messiah. For it is written that Jesus will only return when the Jews call upon their Messiah.
The Jews are the ones through whom God has chosen to give us the Bible and have provided many scientific breakthroughs for the benefit of the whole earth. God prophesied that Israel has a vital role to play in these last days culminating in the defeat of Satan, death and sin, and so the devil hates the Jews with a passion. It is written that Satan influences world trends including the lies and distortion of facts that most media groups tell the public about God's chosen people. According to HonestReporting, major news groups are guilty of fabricating and altering footage to make Israel look bad.
There is no other logical reason why the Jews are hated and misrepresented this much in spite of their history, temerity, and world contribution, than that these demonically-controlled nations and people share the devil's hatred of Israel, and so ignore, distort and re-write history to make the Jews out to be a nation deserving condemnation and extinction.
1. Bill Salus, Isralestine: The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East, High Way, USA, 2008, back cover blurb.
* This article was first posted on 22 January 2009. Portions of the article have been adapted for the novel, Bene Ha Elohim, Sons of God. It's timely to re-post this with rumours of a Mideast war looming.

“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15).
However, the devil in his prideful conceit believed that he could yet foil God's prophetic plans by destroying the ancient Israelites. For if he could destroy Israel, the promised seed, Jesus Christ, who was to come out of Israel's loins, would not germinate. Of course, Satan lost. Because the Israelites, with God's protection, could not be annihilated despite the barrage of attempts by the devil to do so, first, in the form of the Nephilim, that tried to contaminate the human gene pool through the interbreeding of fallen angles and daughters of men; next in the form of the Amalekites, who tried to prevent the Jews from settling in the Promised Land by slaughtering their women and children and polluting them with their false idolatry and child sacrifices; and later in the form of the series of battles with tribes such as the Philistines, Hittites and Edomites that tried unsuccessfully to suppress her civilisation and culture from thriving. Finally in the intertestament centuries preceding Jesus' birth, Satan tried but failed yet again to destroy Israel through her captivity by the Babylonians, the Medo-Persians and the Romans that had exiled her from the Promised Land.
Throughout history Israel has been the object of the devil's mission of annihilation and the world's nations have been the unknowing pawns. The mission to destroy Israel continued in the modern century in the devil's use of Hitler's Jewish pogrom and holocaust. However, if anything, the Jewish diaspora vivified their leaders to form the Zionist movement which would lead to the nation's rebirth in 1948. Today the devil is using the Arabs and their Islamist jihad to prevent God's prophecies for Israel and the world from coming to pass.
Satan has been defeated by Jesus on the cross, but his final defeat is yet to come. And he knows it too well for he hears the footsteps of the Messiah's Second Coming only too loudly. Prophecy foretells of the Messiah's Second Coming who will descend on the Holy Land (Jerusalem) to destroy Satan's armies. This is the reason the devil is leaving no stone unturned to annihilate Israel, for without Israel's existence as a nation, he believes that the Messiah will not be able to fulfill His prophetic Second Coming. But once again Satan will realize how nutty he is to think he can foil Almighty God's foolproof prophecy.

It's true that Israel is not perfect. Secular Israel too are sinners and in need of the Lord Jesus – their Meshiach Nagid's forgiveness. These coming conflicts are a part of God's plans to bring them to repentance and recognition of Jesus as their Messiah. For it is written that Jesus will only return when the Jews call upon their Messiah.
The Jews are the ones through whom God has chosen to give us the Bible and have provided many scientific breakthroughs for the benefit of the whole earth. God prophesied that Israel has a vital role to play in these last days culminating in the defeat of Satan, death and sin, and so the devil hates the Jews with a passion. It is written that Satan influences world trends including the lies and distortion of facts that most media groups tell the public about God's chosen people. According to HonestReporting, major news groups are guilty of fabricating and altering footage to make Israel look bad.
There is no other logical reason why the Jews are hated and misrepresented this much in spite of their history, temerity, and world contribution, than that these demonically-controlled nations and people share the devil's hatred of Israel, and so ignore, distort and re-write history to make the Jews out to be a nation deserving condemnation and extinction.
1. Bill Salus, Isralestine: The Ancient Blueprint of the Future Middle East, High Way, USA, 2008, back cover blurb.
* This article was first posted on 22 January 2009. Portions of the article have been adapted for the novel, Bene Ha Elohim, Sons of God. It's timely to re-post this with rumours of a Mideast war looming.
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