Life Begins at Conception

The dilemma of those in the pro-choice camp is the misconception that aborted and miscarried embryos are not human. 

On the contrary, I believe that life begins at conception. 
The Bible in Psalm 139:13 says,
"You formed my delicate inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother's womb; You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was being woven together in the dark of the womb; You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in Your book, every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.”

Even modern medical technology far superior to ultrasound has confirmed that babies do not go through the 'fetal' stage nor are they conceived as amorphous cells, but are miniature humans capable of thought and pain and play. 

However, despite my knowledge of this, even I am disposed to forgetting that my miscarried babies are extant like everyone else, endowed with the gift of life, having a body (though a glorified one suited for heaven), soul and spirit. Acquaintances will ask my husband and me if we have children and our immediate instinct is to shake our heads in response.

The reality is that we do have children – two in fact. Israel and Penelope didn't make full term, sadly, but they are living in heaven now. I believe they're all grown up – and this is how we will see them when we meet them there. By God's power, we will be able to recognise them also.

I believe aborted and miscarried babies are given an automatic pass to heaven, since they haven't reached the age of accountability to be able to make their own decision whether to accept or reject Christ. My personal consolation in regard to my miscarried babies is that I am spared the anxiety and heartache of worrying about offspring who will one day autonomously deny Christ and forever forfeit grace and the gift of salvation. 

As much as I ache for my husband, because he so loves children, and for myself for not being able to watch my babies grow up and guide them through their developmental stages, or watch Israel carried on Dad's shoulders, and go shopping for matching apparel with Penelope, I am heartened that they are with the Lord in heaven.