Ascribing equal validity to everything in life – aesthetics, religion, truth – is what's gone wrong with today's post-modern euphemistic generation. Advocates of relativism want us to embrace, not merely tolerate, diversity.
This suggests that, in art, we should equate Caravaggio with Mapplethorpe. Many would defer to the beauty of a Caravaggio but porn is as close to describing Mapplethorpe's body of work as anyone could muster. And pardon this dilettante's simple ratiocination of art appreciation, but I believe critics would concur nem con that only someone with a philistine interest in art would equate the detailed complexity of the works of Renaissance masters such as Michelangelo with the abstract drivel of a post-modernist like Andy Warhol.
No two things are more egregiously dissimilar than the teachings of the world's main religions. In Christianity, Jesus calls Himself the Son of God. Conversely, Islam denies the divinity of Christ. Since Jesus says He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6), then all other beliefs that contradict His teaching must be realised for what they are – lies.
The New Age maxim that all paths lead to the same God must also be a lie. For no other religious founder has ever claimed to be the way to God and salvation, even if their devotees wish to teach otherwise. As well, all religious founders can't be teaching the truth if their core tenets are mutually exclusive. Either the one is telling the truth or the other a lie, but they can't all be truths.
Because of Christians' refusal to conform to the relativist's philosophy, we are called intolerant bigots. Yet, when you try to reason with a post-modernist, you can't help but be assailed with his inability to accept your philosophy, either. So much for diversity.
For our beliefs, New Agers and relativists call us deviants at the bottom of the evolutionary totem pole that have yet to evolve into a higher state of consciousness. For theirs, God calls them deceived.