Worst International Body (Edited)

Top ten international bodies / organizations with dubious reputations and agendas:
1. United Nations
2. Greenpeace /
2. International Planned Parenthood Federation
4. Theosophical Society
5. International Humanist and Ethical Union
6. International Monetary Fund
7. World Council of Churches
8. McDonald's
9. Nestlé
10. Proctor & Gamble

Of the many dubious organizations and world bodies in existence today, the United Nations gets my vote as the #1 worst international body.

The United Nations was founded by Robert Muller whose mentors included the occultist and theosophist, Helena Blavatsky. Its goal is to bring about the New World Order with Antichrist as its political leader and a world religion with the prophesied False Prophet at its helm.

Robert Muller himself has testified that the United Nations is a spiritual organization with a spiritual source, this being Lucifer or Satan. 

Find out more about the UN's Luciferian origins, aims and agenda in this video.