When we say something is true, we mean that our thoughts, words, and propositions correspond to reality. If we say that which is, we speak truly. To deny objective truth is a contradiction. We would have to affirm an objective truth that there is no objective truth. Further, to say something is true means that we perceive things in the world as they are. When a seven-foot-tall person sees a basketball goal and a five-foot-tall person sees a basketball goal, they see the exact same thing from different positions. The goal itself is not changed because of the viewing position of each person. Truth does not change based on one's perspective; the object is either there or it is not, it has certain features or it does not. The way we experience something might be unique. For example, if there was only one person in the world who was seven feet fall viewing a basketball goal. Yet, if we claim that all truth is based on perception, we would have to deny that the shorter and the taller person both saw the same basketball goal. Rationality, and basic physics, quickly put an end to such a notion. Yet, when it comes to matters of a metaphysical or religious nature, the theistic skeptic, agnostic, or pluralist each cling to subjective truth. Once the impossibility of denying objective truth is clear, one can proceed to a genuine investigation of God's existence. Each person can use their objective experience of the world to understand that God exists.
Romans 1:18–20 tells us that God's existence and (many) divine attributes can be known from the things He has made. The apostle Paul tells us that God is known by all, regardless of special revelation (the Bible). Many philosophers, scientists, and other thinkers throughout the ages have concluded, independent of the Bible, that God exists. Although their conception of God was often mixed with certain (sometimes significant) errors, these men and women concluded there must be a Creator and Sustainer of the universe. The Bible reveals to us specifically that which nature reveals generally. We learn about who God is, sin, redemption, and so much more within the pages of Scripture.
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