In this article we shall focus on New Testament Scholar Gary Habermas’ minimal facts approach (MFA). The MFA, explains Habermas, “considers only those data that are so strongly attested historically that they are granted by nearly every scholar who studies the subject, even the rather skeptical ones”.
This comes after Habermas has sifted through some 3000 peer reviewed academic articles penned in several languages. Having done so Habermas identifies 12 such facts but we shall focus only on four that are needed to make the case for Christ:
- Jesus’ crucifixion.
- Jesus’ burial.
- Jesus’ empty tomb.
Jesus’ post mortem appearances that convinced Paul, James and the disciples that he had been raised from the dead.
What is the best explanation for these facts surrounding the life and death of Jesus? How can we account for the impact of Jesus ministry, his miracle working, his empty tomb, his post-mortem appearances, and the radical conversion of the early disciples?
The explanation with the most explanatory scope (which simply means to say explains the most facts) is that God really had raised Jesus Christ from the dead.
Examine the evidences here.